Workload and Emotion

This project involves measuring workload and emotion while participants view music videos. Uses the DEAP dataset as stimuli and machine learning on cognitive data to develop classification models for new brain states.

  • Researchers: Danushka Bandara, Leanne Hirshfield, Mark Costa, Sarah Bratt, Mingyu Zhong
  • Funders: Newhouse Endowment

Projection Mapping

We examine the form of augmented or mixed reality called projection mapping also known as three-dimensional (3D) projection mapping and how it affects on cognition, emotions, and behaviors. This study is on the studies of psychological effect, cognitive perception, and behavior change of this new medium e.g., immersion, usability, emotion, attitude, memory, visuospatial perception, learning, and et cetra.

  • Researchers: Soyoung Jung, Daeun Lee, Frank Biocca
  • Funders: Newhouse Endowment, Sungkyunkwan University

EEG and Presidential Debates

Project measures EEG activity and GSR of a participant watching the democratic and republican debates. Pilot work was proposed to TEDx Syracuse to engage and seek collaboration with the local neuroscience and political community. Measurement of electrical dermal and brain activity is used to identify cognitive metaphors that characterize conservatives and liberals. 

  • Researchers: Sarah Bratt, Michael Hutchinson
  • Funder: Newhouse Endowment

A Study of Danmaku: Social Presence, Transportation to Narrative, Attention, Enjoyment and Cognitive Workload

Project intends to examine people’s Danmaku video (videos with overlaid comments) watching experiences, with particular focus on their feeling of co-viewing with other people, transportation into the narrative, attention, enjoyment and cognitive workload.

  • Researchers: Yuqian Ni, Frank Biocca
  • Funder: Newhouse Endowment