3D Sound in Virtual Reality

The current project aims to examine the effects of three dimensional sound on presence and parasocial relationship. Our research team seeks to investigate the impact of virtually realistic sound (i.e., 3D sound) on the overall experience in virtual reality. We employ “head-tracking“ function to realize more natural sound. In addition, the design of the current project also comprises a temporal synchronicity dimension.

  • Researchers: Mincheol Shin, Stephen Song, Frank Biocca, Yeonhee Cho, Yuqian Ni
  • Funder: Newhouse Endowment

Virtual Reality and Phenomenology

Recently, virtual reality become to be reissued by the development of Oculus Rift. However, applications of virtual reality are just brought from existing programs for 2D display. I am seeking a new approach to the design of virtual reality with phenomenology. 

  • Researcher: Hyoungtaek Lim